

Welcome to FDMaple. A place where MS accounts and other tools are available for download.
Our site offers maplestory accounts hand crafted for download. New accounts available as soon as possible! This opportunity is quite simple. To complete and get a chance to get your own maplestory account, follow the instructions below.

How to receive accounts?
  1. First, begin by navigating to the list of links to the right hand side of this page where it says "Accounts".
  2. Second, click "Accounts" and you will be promoted to complete a survey to access the list of available accounts.
  3. Third, after completing the first survey you will be on the "Accounts" page. Look for an account you would like to download and click "Download".
  4. Fourth, you will complete another survey to open up the download.
  5. Fifth, you download the Txt file with the account information.


To receive the accounts you have to complete a survey. After completing the survey and gaining access to the account. You have full rights to change the information. Full information is included in the Txt document so you get full access and control of the account. Once you get the account it is permanently yours. This service was opened to give away in a sense maplestory accounts to the community. The surveys are placed to help provide funding for our team. Also to prevent a mass from getting the accounts. Only those willing to complete surveys will gain access to the accounts.